Estuche animal
Hoy toca otra costura rápida, pero esta vez para el peque.
Today I bring a quick sew for the little one.
Asà tiene las pinturas mi niño....en una huevera, y eso no puede ser.
He has his crayons like an egg box, I think we will all agree that is no way to keep your valuables,
Asà que esta mañana he sacado los retales de vinilo, he mirado este tutorial de estuche y me he puesto manos a la obra.
So this morning I took out all the bits and pieces of vinyl that I have around, looked at this tutorial and started sewing.
Y le he puesto una cinta decorativa de elefantes. Después de las fotos se me ha ocurrido también poner un tirador para la cremallera aprovechando unos botones con forma de elefante. En serio, a este niño le gustan los animales.
I also added a decorative tape with elephants. After the pics, I also thought of adding a pull for the zipper, using an elephant button. Seriously, he loves his animals.
AsÃn, sin!
Now we're talking.
Creo que voy a aprovechar para hacer unos cuantos para hacer regalitos.
I think I will take the chance to make a few of them to give as presents.
Today I bring a quick sew for the little one.
Asà tiene las pinturas mi niño....en una huevera, y eso no puede ser.
He has his crayons like an egg box, I think we will all agree that is no way to keep your valuables,
Asà que esta mañana he sacado los retales de vinilo, he mirado este tutorial de estuche y me he puesto manos a la obra.
So this morning I took out all the bits and pieces of vinyl that I have around, looked at this tutorial and started sewing.
Como es para pinturas, no lo he forrado, porque serÃa una porquerÃa, lo que he hecho ha sido poner un bies en las costuras interiores para que quede bien aseado.
Since it's for crayons, I have not lined it, it would result in a dirty pencil box, what I did do is to put a bias tape in all the seams.
Y le he puesto una cinta decorativa de elefantes. Después de las fotos se me ha ocurrido también poner un tirador para la cremallera aprovechando unos botones con forma de elefante. En serio, a este niño le gustan los animales.
I also added a decorative tape with elephants. After the pics, I also thought of adding a pull for the zipper, using an elephant button. Seriously, he loves his animals.
AsÃn, sin!
Now we're talking.
Creo que voy a aprovechar para hacer unos cuantos para hacer regalitos.
I think I will take the chance to make a few of them to give as presents.